Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Nomadic Redheads

Redheads has found a new home.
Drawing upon our ancient nomadic Redheaded heritage, Redhead Profiling has moved from Edublogs to Google's Blogger. Following the global appeal and worldwide support and requests I am now taking advantage of "All Things Google".
I have transferred all of my original posts from Edublogs to Google's Blogger. This mirrors the move of my website: to Google as well. Because of this move, as in all moves, things are a bit discombobulated and out of place, so my posts don't follow an exact timeline at the moment. In my next few spare seconds of free time, I will tidy things up a bit (I'd say 2013 should be about right.)
Please follow the exciting exploits of Redheads being Profiled.
Finally, to paraphrase the movie Apollo 13, Farewell Edublogs, you've been a good friend.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"Dear Lucky Agent" Contest

"Dear Lucky Agent" Contest:

Memoir and Narrative Nonfiction

I have entered my memoir "The World According to this Redhead" in the Literary Guide "Dear Lucky Agent" Contest. Clck here to go to their site:

Check back later to see the results. Wish me luck.
Here is a summary of their contest.
Welcome to the first "Dear Lucky Agent" Contest on the GLA blog. This will be
a recurring online contest with agent judges and super-cool prizes. Here's the deal: With every contest, the details are essentially the same, but the niche itself changes - meaning each contest is focused around a specific category or two. So if you're writing book-length memoir or narrative nonfiction, this first contest is for you!

Book Signing at the Moravian Book Shop 12/18/09

The Bethlehem Writers Group will be appearing at a follow up to our book signing sellout at the oldest book store in the United States at the Moravian Bookstore in Bethlehem, PA this Friday night from 5-7 PM. on 12/18/09

Please stop by and say hello. Here is link to their website.

As always visit the Bethlehem Writers Group for updates from our group. #17 Kindle E-Book Ranking

Highest ranking yet, we have moved up to # 17 in Christmas Bestsellers Kindle Version on Hopefully the book version will soon follow as we move up the ranking for the top 100.

Christmas Newsletter: On the Cheap

I am reaching out to all forms of multimedia, I was featured today in the Morning Call for a column by Spencer Sopher entitled "On the Cheap"

The column dealt with my christmas newsletters that I send out during the holiday season in emails as a pdf, thereby eliminating the mailing cost, hence the reference to "On the Cheap"

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Christmas Sampler Sells out at Moravian Bookstore

Wow, is all I can say. Ok so I have a bit more to say, but after you read this can you blame me?
I just returned from our book signing at the oldest bookstore in the United States, Moravian Bookstore in Bethlehem PA. We sold out of 42 books in less than three hours. It was a totally awesome and unbelievable experience. I can only hope to duplicate the experience many times over and may I never get totally used to the feeling.

Presentations of the Future

I recently participated in a new form of presentation that has a great deal of potential. I co presented a webinar to hundreds of school districts across the United States from the comfort of my office. The presentation topic was using technololgy in dealing with the RtI process in education and had similar tools as in any other presentation that I have given. The only difference was that it was not delievered face to face. Other than that it had all the same interaction as you would expect. I would have loved to present at a national audience in Chicago, the home of Follett Software, the presentation sponsor, but in todays economy this was a workable compromise.

Who knows what will come with this technology, but one thing for sure, it is a new tool in the presentation arsenal.

A Brave New World

Hi all, gave my first webinar presentation a few days ago and what a great blend of technology and presentations. School districts from all over the country were wathcing the presentation in the comfort of their home or office.

Drag them kicking and screaming into the 21st century.

Base 10 Number System

For any of you that happened to watch Channel 13 Valley Report from Blue Ridge last night you undoubtlably noticed that I was looking rather portly, except when I was posing with my book poster and trying to appear pensive.I had always heard that the camera put on 10 pounds, well apparently they were counting in the Base 10 number system by all appearences.

However, besides my appearance, it was a wonderful piece about my Redhead work and great publicity for the Bethlehem Writers Group, of which I am a contributing member.

If interested go to for more info on our group.

Here is link to a pdf that contains our current book signing schedule.


Those of you that follow the Redhead Profiling Blog, now have another reason to brag.

The Bethlehem Writers Group of which I am a contributing author, aka BWG, recently published Christmas Anthology: A Christmas Sampler: Sweet, Funny, and Strange Holiday Tales has just been awaded Honorable Mention in the 2009 DIY Book Festival.

A Christmas Sampler – Bethlehem Writers Group
Christmas Sampler includes my A Redheaded Holiday: Countdown to a Christmas Hug.

#16 Xmas Category

While we are sad :( the holiday season is over with, this should bring back the warm glow of Christmas cheers.
For the 7th straight week the BWB has been listed in the top 100 for E-Book Kindle Chirstmas story categories.
A Christmas Sampler: Sweet, Funny, and Strange Holiday Tales which includes my own redheaded story. A Redheaded Holiday: Countdown to a Christmas Hug.
Let the holiday cheer continue :)
Christmas Sampler Kindle Site

PETE&C Pa Technology Conference 2010

I'm attending the 2020 PETE & C technology conference. Listened to Sir Ken Robinson, author of "The Element". Great speech, focused on returning education to a more agrarian syle of planting, nuturing and caring atmosphere as opposed to an Industrial Revolution standardized style of educating.
Speaks to the journey inside yourself to reach for your potential, there is no time frame for this journey. This rings so true with me, as I have been on this journey of reinventing myslelf for years.
This conference energizes me every year, the speakers are top notch and worth the price of admission alone.

Making it to the Big Time

That's right folks, I finally joined the 21st century and created a virtual world all for myself. It was a long time coming, and really the delay was due to some very technical issues. Namely me finding the time to get around to it. It is usually the case that I am the weakest link in all my endeavors.
The really cool part is that I now own my name. A wise investment to be sure. However, someone beat me to the big, big time. I had to settle for the secondary big time.
I now own the link to
Unfortunately someone beat me to the .com domain. I plan on making them an offer they can't refuse to relinquish the naming rights to the .com site.
Right now I have very little posted other than a template and some links but more will follow. As soon as I find the time to update. Possibly the 22nd century.
See you online.